Wednesday 18 February 2015

Asam Pedas for Dinner

18 February 2015

I cooked Asam Pedas i.e Hot Asam Fish today. Was cleaning through the kitchen wardrobe and found the Adabi Asam Pedas paste which I sent to hubby last year which is still unused. Was thinking that might as well that I cook simple Malaysian delicacies for today by using this ready made paste. 

The recipe to cook Asam Pedas from scratch is pretty simple actually. We inherited the recipe from my late grandmother (Nenek Uteh) and also my grandmother (Nenek Endon ) as my family originated from Melaka. Asam pedas is my parent's favourite dish. I really missed the Asam Pedas that my mom, my neneks, my auntie cook already. Sigh..

The kitchen wardrobe full  with lots and lots of ready made paste which I posted to my hubby before this. Well it's time to cook and finish up all these. There are many Adabi pastes, Brahim's pastes. Waaaaa so many treasures for lazy people like me. 

Adabi ready made Asam Pedas paste that I've found.

Frozen "daun kesom". This fragrant leaves is an essential ingredient to cook Asam Pedas. It 
has to be frozen since it is not available in Jubail and was brought from Malaysia. Courtesy by my neighbour kak Hasni who gave this packet to me. ( The benefit that I get when the compound neighbours are all Malaysian - just a shout for help or WhatsApp away and the ingredients is delivered- yeay!) Thank you kak Hasni and Suzy for the help. 

You can also bring the dried version of daun kesom as well. 

Tips : You should bring loads of Daun Kesom from Malaysia as a stock if you like to eat Asam Pedas ok!

To cook the dish using readymade paste is super duper simple. Heat up the cooker, then saute the onions until browning. Add fish, asam keping and vegetables. I used eggplant, but the original recipe uses ladies finger. Pour in water and wait until boiled. Include tomato if you like. Season with a pinch of salt and sugar for taste. Tadaaaa... it is that easy and now ready to eat.

The look of my cooked Hot Asam Fish dish.

I will update the inherited Asam Pedas menu when i had the chance to cook it. For now, will have to finish up all those paste treasures in the wardrobe first. 

"Ready Made Paste- Life made easy". haha

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