Thursday 12 February 2015

My very first Morning Coffee in Saudi.

Date: 11 February 2015

After nearly 3 weeks in Saudi Arabia, I had a chance to join my first morning coffee session in Jubail. To be frank, I am very excited to meet up with the fellow many other Malaysian female community at the event. There are hundreds of them here.

Held at Jumanisa's 2013/2014 president's house, kak Ji at Dereen Sector, Royal Commission Area, Jubail, KSA . 

The house around the Royal Commission area are big and kak Ji's house is a double storey bungalow complete with its own car porch and lawn and garden area. We live in an apartment in Jubail Ballat Area. So, it is true that the houses around Royal Commission are grandeur. Seeing the houses in the Royal Commision for the first time made me feel a bit inferior. But heck, instead of spending all the allocated housing allowance on house rent just to be with those so called elite community, we better save the balance from the housing allowance for some other beneficial things for our future needs. ( I will blog about my housing area later, insyaAllah)

Event started at 9.30 am (supposed to be at 8.30am - ahh so typical Malaysian timing) with a short, Quran recitation, tazkirah - followed by the welcoming of Jumanisa' new President sis Wawa and some short goodbye note by the previous president Kak Ji. Note** Jumanisa president is automatically elected following the election of her husband as KRMJ president. 

After that they welcomed the new comers in Jubail (me included) and we were asked to introduce ourselves. All of the new comers has their spouse working with SADARA whilst i am the only one with spouseworking with SABIC-SADAF.  We then had a short farewell celebration for Kak Norma who's going back to Malaysia for good.

Then after we savour ourselves with foods brought by potluck by most of the seniors here. haha felt soo back at school/work kind of feeling as we are treated like newbies which is so typical in any Malay cultured community.

Ahh I get to make Faiq and baby to get ready earlier on that day by bribing them saying that we will be going to mall shopping some toys and if time permits, w can as well go to the beach. Sadly both did not happen due to some contraints. ( I will blog about the constraints later)

Ok, some shares on pics that I managed to snap and some stolen pictures with me inside (taken from the groups' FB posts). There are many more shots actually but I am only interested in hehe. Enjoys. 

owh. candid picture from this angle made me look super big. blame the photographer *flip tudung* 

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